About Us

Hi there! I'm Hap Day and I author this web site for myself and my wife, Wilma. We recently celebrated our 60th Wedding Anniversary of a very happily married life. The purpose of this site is to record some of our activity for the enjoyment of our children and friends. There is no way we can cover all of our experiences, but hopefully the "high points" and some exciting adventures can be described.

Hap & Wilma
Hap and Wilma in Old Tucson Circa 1955.
Hap & Wilma
Hap and Wilma 50th Anniversary in 2003.
Hap & Wilma 60
Hap and Wilma 60th Anniversary in 2013.

In the Adventures, I will narrate numerous experiences we have enjoyed in Mexico and the United States. Included will be visitors we've had, family and friends, and the places they enjoyed with us.

Hap's Tales is a collection of anecdotes covering my life with emphasis on my Military Career because that's where exciting adventures take place. However, the business years and retirement years are also interesting I believe.

The Pictures section holds a limited amount of images accumulated through our lives. It will consist of several galleries with captions to make sense of it all.

Wilma's Corner is dedicated to my wonderful wife and her favorite activities. As a military wife she carried the brunt of raising the family and caring for us all. She too had some interesting experiences.

In Opinions, I freely state some observations, mostly mine, but at times of others and I will give credit where credit is due. This section will see the most changes, as I update applicable areas as news changes and things happen.

Please feel free to explore this site and perhaps find something useful, or of interest, and read the footnote in the box at the bottom of the Home Page.

Wilma & Hap
Wilma and Hap in Mexico City 1954